If you save the URL the platform sends a request with an empty body to the URL to test it. If the URL doesn‘t exist or returns a code different than 200 you can not save the URL.
And we got 1 more at 23:47 : 232c504c414e54312c3230303731363033343330352c303030302e302c2d30303030302c2c303030302e302c303030302e302c3030303030302c2d30303031302c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c3b232c504c414e54312c3230303731363033343930372c303030302e302c2d30303030302c2c303030302e302c303030302e302c3030303030302c2d30303031302c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c
Thanks a lot @JeroenD. Maybe you are not aware of it but last month with did a major update on the document library after two years. But we only focused on the devices part.
In August we will update the API part as well 🙂
@Roalnd-Baldin is already working on it.
Tuino 096 is an Arduino Zero (M0) compatible board. Grove Base Shield V2.0 doesn’t support this explicitity.
I recommand to try"ARDUINO MKR CONNECTOR CARRIER (GROVE COMPATIBLE)" instead. With this shield you can bridge from Zero/M0 to sensors with Grove connectors.
I found the problem, I use an arduino leonardo with a dragino nbiot shield. For incomming/outgoing messages i use SoftwareSerial.h, to change the tx/rx pins to pins 10/11.
I fixed the problem by using the normal rx/tx pins and it works. Hence the library seems to be my problem.
@Eric-Barten I still get the extra messages delivered even after deleting all but one subscriptions. Any thoughts on how to tackle this? Could it have something to do with downlinks not arriving? for example how lomg should I wait after sending before receiving?
There is no option to query the status of a downlink message. Buffering of downlink messages may occur on different places in our solution it is hard to give an clear response to such a request due to the asynchronous nature of the protocols.
Note: after sending an uplink message we will try to downlink all buffered messages.
@Martijn-Kooijman I solved it by checking the return message after sending “AT+USOCR=17,7000”. Once it is contains “+USOCR: 0” in the returning string I know it is ok:
(it takes about 5 s after a reset)
added code:
String check_sara=cmd("AT+USOCR=17,7000");
while ((check_sara.indexOf("+USOCR: 0",1)<0)) {
Serial.println(check_sara);//just for checking
@sopwafel You could, but be aware of using PSM and expected latency. Your device might be sleeping again before it had the chance to receive a downlink message. I don’t know if it’s possible to use in combination with the T-Mobile CDP but you might want to take a look at LWM2M and CoAP. These protocols have acknowledgements build in.
I received this question a lot these days. I still need to understand why. Is our document library (getting) too complex maybe? Please let me know 🙂
However, if you ordered your NB-IoT simcard at iot.t-mobile.nl, I can assure you that your simcard is already active.
We want to save you from the simcard hassle as much as possible. All our NB-IoT simcards have the same configuration. To make sure that you can simply keep one single stock for all your different use cases/projects,
Just register the IMEI number of your module in one of your projects. Configure your module with the right settings, put your simcard in it and it should work right away.
I flashed the sequans modem again and I tested my code again. But it was still not working.
I wiggled the cable of the antenna a bit and it connected to the network!
I think the antenna of my gpy wasn’t connected properly or the antenna cable is broken or something.